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Vibration Box - Indigo Healing (Heart Crystal Activation and Orion Vibrations)

Vibration Box - Indigo Healing (Heart Crystal Activation and Orion Vibrations)

Regular price $43.00 AUD
Regular price $85.00 AUD Sale price $43.00 AUD
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A pack of 4 sound treatments with stellar energies, accompanied by 4 vibratory boards in the language of the stars, to activate the vibrations of the crystal space of your heart and receive treatments from Orion.

Fully digital package.

You will receive by email:

  • The four songs in WAV format and in MP3 format
  • Four graphic plates in the language of the stars to print in PDF format
  • A booklet presenting the details of the treatments and listening advice in PDF format

List of the 4 sound treatments:

  • Track 1 - Ton'da laïu - Crystal Activation Healing (432Hz) (3min26)
  • Track 2 - Tomaka Naffèh Lèh'i - Galamé's activation codes (432Hz) (5min25)
  • Track 3 - Klé'ïché Aïa Maht'la - Starlight divine call (7min09)
  • Track 4 - Kenda lah'lè ïam'o - Achanaï's nostalgia (8min50)

Composed, interpreted and mixed by Caroline Houé
Mastered by Luis Mazzoni

Care details:

This pack connects you to the crystal space of your heart and carries the vibrations of the planet Mintaka and its satellites.

Act 1 - Ton'da laïu - Crystal Activation Healing (432 Hz) (3:26)
This first treatment resonates with the crystal of your heart and activates its light. It operates a realignment and a rise in vibration.

Act 2 - Tomaka Naffèh Lèh'i - Galamé's activation codes (432 Hz) (5:19)
The second treatment carries the energies of the planet Galamé, an aquatic planet full of gentleness, a satellite of the planet Mintaka located in the constellation of Orion. On Galamé aquatic life proliferates in the depths of the indigo abyss. It is a place of healing, populated by beings who have the deep aspiration to take care. This treatment activates in your body this space of care and softness so that you feel confident and accompanied.

Act 3 - Klé'ïché Aïa Maht'la - Starlight divine call (7:12)
This third treatment activates the radiance of the star of your heart. It is an invitation to connect to your full potential and let it expand. This journey brings you back to your own source, as if the star in your heart is calling you to come back to it and connect with its light so you can let it spring forth. A treatment that carries affirming energies to allow you to shine with gentle power and to bring you all the peace, joy and healing you need to move forward.

Act 4 - Kenda lah'lè ïam'o - Achanaï's nostalgia (8:42)
This fourth treatment comes to act in depth in your cells to cleanse them, describe and heal the memories that need to be lightened.
Achanai is a satellite planet of Mintaka, a land of fire, burning by day, freezing by night. A dry planet without sleep and on which the beings go to find themselves face to face and operate deep cleanings.

This treatment acts like an icy, liberating fire that burns the layers on the surface so that the authenticity of the being is reborn, like the phoenix rising from its ashes.
This treatment also allows you to free yourself from the nostalgia linked to the lack of life in the starry dimensions and to alleviate the frustrations linked to the incarnation and the limits of the 3D plane. It comes to radiate in your heart all the energies of your stellar being and operates as a deep reconnection with the high vibratory planes. It transmits to your cells the message that the frequencies of these plans are there, in you, and not distant from you. He thus helps the being to fully accept and manifest his incarnation.

How to use the printable code sheets?

All boards carry harmonizing and protective vibrations, as a base in their structure. Added to this are the energies and vibrations of the treatments with which they are associated.

Once you receive the boards, feel free to receive their vibrations however you see fit.

You can print them out and place them on your heart while listening to the songs. You can place them next to your bed or under your bed for code vibrations to infuse while you sleep. You can also frame them and display them in a room. You can place them in a pouch and carry them in your bag if you want them to accompany your days. You can also place them in your workplace.

You can keep them in digital format and set them as your phone wallpaper.

For any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

Indigo Healing - Pack Complet (4 soins sonores avec chant médecine + 4 planches de codes de lumière + Livret d'accompagnement) Des soins venus d'Orion pour ouvrir l'espace de votre cœur et vous ramener à la paix intérieure

Jean-Luc Kerboul
Elévation cosmique

Il est dommage que cette merveilleuse musique et voix ne soient pas enregistrées sur Cd pour pouvoir l’écouter plus souvent.
J’espère que cela sera le cas prochainement.

Merci beaucoup.

josiane Jacquemond

Merci, pour ces soins sonores et ces planches, un bonheur à écouter à voir et à ressentir, c'est un voyage qui transporte et nous ramène dans l'instant, merci beaucoup

Cécile Beuque
commande non reçue

Bonjour, je vous informe que je ne peux encore donner mon avis. Je n'ai jamais reçu ma commande. Je suis inquiète désormais.

Bonjour Cécile,

Je vous ai envoyé un mail pour gérer avec vous le soucis avec votre commande :)
Prévenez moi dès que vous l'avez reçu

Avec coeur


Bernadette Portes
Gratitude 🌹❤️

Les 4 soins sont juste incroyables ! C'est sublime de puissance et de douceurs. Mon cœur s'expanse à l'infini. Je suis à chaque fois transportée au firmament. Je ressens du bien-être et tellement d'amour. J'ai la sensation d'unité avec mon être. Les planches de codes de lumière sont hyper vibrants. J'aime les poser sur mon cœur, cela décuple les soins sonores. Je médite chaque jour en mouvement, l'écoute du coffret en marchant m'aide à m'ancrer, me recentrer, me reconnecter au divin en moi. Je me sens nettoyée, apaisée. Mon coeur est si léger. L'acte 4 est mon soin favori, il me fait tellement vibrer ! La voix de Uhaïnaa est si pure, si cristalline ; le langage des étoiles c'est comme un retour à la maison...
Merci belle âme pour ces merveilleux soins sonores, ton chant médecine m'accompagne au quotidien, il coule à travers moi et vient me réparer, me choyer, m'élever...
Je recommande de tout mon cœur les soins de ce lumineux coffret.
Love u 💙